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Having a Warm Chat with Megan Tones

Good morning friends...I hope you are having a wonderful start. Today I have a beautiful and kind heart and hard working lady, Megan Tones. She is a CHD warrior and also works with HUG foundation and co edits a new book called The Heart of A Heart Warrior. Please say hi and give her a warm welcome... and lets see what she has to say about Chd, book and her faith...

WOG: Hello and thank you for being here. How are you today?

M.T: Good. It's a beautiful day.

WOG: Please share with us, how you became involved with the Heart Community?

M.T: I didn't even realize that there was a heart community until I was 25 and really struggling with my mitral valve disease. I was facing another surgery, googled CHD in adults, and found the Adult Congenital Heart Association (ACHA). Those forums were like a lifeline as I went through that surgery and the shaky recovery that followed. A couple of years later Facebook pages for adults with CHD started up and there's more support online than ever. I have become involved with Anna and Frank Jaworski's Hearts Unite the Globe (HUG) charity where I help out with a number of podcast and publishing activities. We actually have a three volume book coming out: The Heart of a Heart Warrior, which features essays and contributions by adults with congenital heart disease.

WOG: Did faith play a role in your childhood?

M.T: We were raised Anglican (Church of England). I went to a religious school for a while, but I wasn't really religious at all beyond trying to be a good person. I remember often feeling troubled by why random bad things happened to people who had done nothing wrong.

WOG: Did you grow up with any other CHD friends?

M.T: I was born in the 1980's in Australia. There wasn't really a heart community when I was growing up. I met some other kids who were having surgery at the same time as me when I was five and 10 years old, but those connections didn't extend past the hospital. Sometimes, if they lived close, I would run into them at the local shopping centre when we were out with our parents but that was about it.

WOG: If you can give one advice, what would it be?

M.T: Be open minded and learn about nutrition and exercise specific to your needs. This goes for whether you have a heart condition or not. Whatever happens to you or you choose to do, good nutrition and exercise will help you. That, and that today is today, yesterday was yesterday, those things don't necessarily dictate tomorrow. Your best days may be ahead of you.

There you have it, that is Megan and her wonderful journey. Thank you for being on here Megan and thank you to all who joined today..may you be blessed.

Hug and blessed: Wonder of Grace Blog

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