Hello friends, today I have a wonderful chat with a lovely author and CHD Warrior, Kimberly Russell about how her faith got her through some tough times. Let's get to and see what Kimberly has to offer the world!!!
WOG: Hi, Kim How are you? Thank you for being here.
K.R: Doing better. Thank you for caring. WOG: Did you grow up with God in your life? K.R:: Most certainly. It was through only His grace that I survived. He "knit me in my mother's womb" and has taken care of me ever since. WOG: When you wrote your book, did you feel it was part of God's plan for you? K.R:: It most definitely was a way for Him to display His grace and mercy. WOG: Has meeting a heart community made you stronger? K.R: Yes! I will never forget going to a conference and meeting so many people that were just like me. Amazing. WOG: Please share with us one moment in your childhood that CHD stand out with your peers? K.R: I'm not sure what you mean, but I remember at the age of four having to squat and breathe every two steps.. I couldn't keep up with others.
I hope you guys had a wonderful read and got to know kimberly and God a little bit more. here is the link to her book as well... i hope you guys check it out: https://www.amazon.com/Heartbeat-Babys-Heart-Surgeons-Miracles/dp/0595397719/ref=sr_1_1?crid=223N5DLQBWWHR&keywords=book+by+kimberly+russell&qid=1696532526&sprefix=book+by+kimberly+russell%2Caps%2C317&sr=8-1
thanks for stopping by today.. may God Bless you
Hugs and love
Wonder of Grace Blog